6th, 7th, 8th September 2023
Glasgow, Scotland

global ageing

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Thank you to our delegates, speakers, contributors, exhibitors and sponsors for supporting the 2023 Global Ageing Conference and additional events.

conference sponsors & exhibitors

About the conference

The 2023 Global Ageing Network’s biennial conference in Glasgow in conjunction with Scottish Care and the National Care Forum – leading care and support provider associations in Scotland and England – provided an outstanding opportunity and venue for colleagues to gather in a unique forum dedicated to shared learning and professional networking.

Care About Our Future

Global Symposium for Sustainable Care and Support

Our conference theme, Care about Our Future: global symposium for sustainable care and support – embraced a future perspective and feature thought leadership, innovative ideas, research, projects and/or programmes that address specific needs in supported housing, homecare, residential and nursing care and support. Topics covered in recent conferences and of the greatest interest to our members and delegates include:

Themes and Topics

Row One
Human Rights

Human rights, along with issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion, focused on those with the lived experience of care and support and their participation as citizens, as well as those who work in our sector.

Row One
Music, the Visual Arts, and Creativity

The central role of music, the visual arts, and creativity in elevating the quality of life and wellbeing of those receiving our care and support.

Row One
Models of Care

Innovative and novel models of care, support and/or services designed to meet the needs and preferences of upcoming cohorts of consumers.

Row Two
Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations in the delivery care and support services, as well as national responses to global challenges, including the movement of populations in need, as well as the service export market.

Row Two

Workforce challenges for both managers and front-line workers, including recruitment and retention strategies that reflect the workplace of the future and staff wellbeing.

Row Two
Changing Management and Leadership Practices

Change management, leadership practices, as well as development strategies for the workforce and boards of directors/trustees.

Row Three

Wellness, dementia care, as well as culture change and person-directed care initiatives.

Row Three
Technology aimed at improving Care

Enabling technologies aimed at improving care and service delivery, including care coordination and health system optimisation that leverage technology and data to improve outcomes and gain efficiencies.

Row Three
Housing and Supportive Service Delivery

Housing and supportive service delivery models that empower independence and facilitate ageing in the community.

Row Four
Advanced Design and Operations

Advanced design and operations, including new buildings as well as the expansion and renovation of existing buildings, interiors and landscapes that support healthy and engaged living.

Row Four
Continuous Quality Improvement

Issues related to continuous quality improvement and care coordination.

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Dates to remember

18 September 2022

Call for Presentations Submission Deadline

February 2023

Programme Announced, Delegate & Speaker Registration Opens

30 April 2023

Speaker Conference Registration Deadline

April - May 2023

Information for Additional Events Available

4 - 5 September 2023

Scottish golf opportunity in Troon, Scotland

6 September 2023

Social Care International Workforce Summit in Glasgow, Scotland

7-8 September 2023

Global Ageing Conference in Glasgow, Scotland

8 September 2023

Scottish Ceilidh Evening in Glasgow, Scotland